Sunday, September 16, 2012

To remember

This is something I like to call "To remember" I will often just post little things that I want to remember about the day or somethings that make my heart stop. :)
1. I remember when this little guy......

 was only the size of a peach.....I was so excited to hear that Paslyee & Jon were pregnant. I was never one to be upset that I was becoming a grandma. I think that is a symbol of how much you've grown & how much you love your family. :) {I took all these photographs BTW.}

 He grew up a little too fast for us however, I got to photograph him the very first week of his life. It was so beautiful to see my daughter become a mother & Jon was & is such a grateful father. :)

I love you little Ezra!

2. The moment when I was upstairs getting ready for date night and I was listening to Jon play with Jess. He was making her laugh and he was laughing and it was perfection. 

3. The moment when it was 12:30 am and we were just laughing in our bed and Jon told me mid sentence that he misses me on work weeks.


1 comment:

  1. So sweet you will never forget these moments, you are so blessed. :) love you
